How do I add credit to my library print account?


Note: All new students get $25 of printing credit. Students receive an additional $25 on January 1st, May 1st, and August 1st. This credit can only be applied to printing and cannot be refunded or transferred. If you exhaust this credit, you can add more funds to your library print account by:

  1. Connect to "muscsecure" WiFi while on-campus.
  2. Login to with your MUSC NetID (do not include
  3. Choose "Add Money to Your Account" from the navigation (screenshot below). Payments are handled by


4. Payments are handled by IMPORTANT!!!!!: Make sure to click on Continue at the bottom of the payment complete page to ensure you are properly credited to your account (screenshot below).

  • Last Updated Aug 14, 2024
  • Views 70
  • Answered By David McCabe

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