How do I print from a Library workstation or Student device?


  • Library printers can be accessed while on campus via either Library workstations or student devices connected to "muscsecure" WiFi (see below for setup information).
  • * Note: If your account has insufficient credit your print job will not print and you will need to add credit to your account before printing again.


From a Library workstation


  1. Open your application’s print menu (e.g. by clicking File -> Print).
  2. Select one of the Library’s printers and click Print.
  3. Wait for your print job to completely finish sending.
  4. A PaperCut popup will ask for you to login. Login using your MUSC NetID (do not include
  5. The cost of your print job will be deducted* from your account and your print job will begin printing on the printer.

From your device (on campus on muscsecure WiFi)

  1. Make sure you have already Installed the Library Printers on your device.
  2. Open your application’s print menu as normal (e.g. by clicking File -> Print)
  3. Select one of the Library’s printers and click Print
  4. If a login prompt appears, login with your NetID not your device login.
  5. The cost of your print job will be deducted* from your account and your print job will begin printing on the printer.


  • Last Updated Aug 21, 2024
  • Views 75
  • Answered By David McCabe

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