How do I download the Visible Body anatomy app?


Instructions for Downloading the Visible Body App (August 2022):

If you are ON CAMPUS:

  • Using the mobile device browser, go to When the page loads you should see the Human Anatomy Atlas app associated with the IP range of your device.
    • If you run into issues, make sure to turn off your mobile data connection to ensure your mobile device is connecting through the institutional WIFI network IP range.

If you are OFF campus:

  1. Access OvidSP Medline from the Resources tab on the library website. Or alternatively, click HERE.
  2. Click on ‘Visible Body’ in the top blue menu bar. 

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  1. Select the ‘Human Anatomy Atlas’ app from the list of apps. 

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  1. Click on Mobile Apps >

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  1. Click ‘Instructions for Off Campus download and activation’.

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  1. Select the app you want to download (Human Anatomy Atlas 2021).

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  1. Enter your MUSC email address and Visible Body will ask you for a verification code.
  2. You will receive an email with the verification code immediately.
  3. Enter the verification code received by email and hit submit.
  4. You will now receive your user credentials both on-screen as well as by email.

On your mobile device click on the Visible Body app link and follow the instructions.

Once authenticated, your access via the mobile app will be active for 90 days. After 90 days you will need to re-authenticate from within your institution's IP range or proxy server.

  • Last Updated Aug 05, 2022
  • Views 1357
  • Answered By Christine Andresen

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