How can I access the DynaMed mobile app?


Here are the instructions to access the DynaMed mobile app:

  1. Create a personal account in Dynamed
    1. Access DynaMed through the MUSC Library website
    2. Click the Sign In link in the top toolbar of the screen.
    3. On the Sign In screen, click the Register Now link.
    4. On the Register for a Personal Account screen, enter an Email Address and Password to be used as your log in credentials.
    5. Complete the fields in the Your Information area and click Register.
    6. After clicking Register, your personal account is created and you can sign in with your credentials.
  2. Search for DynaMed in your mobile app store of choice, download the mobile app, and login with your personal account credentials.
  • Last Updated Aug 23, 2019
  • Views 100
  • Answered By Christine Andresen

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